I would love to live on this sim forever, but part of the magic of Fantasy Faire is that it is so fleeting. Today was the last official day for the Faire. All the mysteries have been solved, the wrongs have been righted and it's time for the Fairelands to disappear into the mists for another year.
Kudos to all those who spent countless hours working to make the magic happen and congratulations on the amazing donations to Relay for Life! L$ 6,818,540 ($ 26,225) by April 29th, 11 PM SLT.
The sims will remain open in an unofficial capacity for a few more days as those who have dedicated so much time and effort slowly begin to wake from the dream. (Or to be more honest, as they sleep for the first time in weeks!) Shopping and good company will continue till Thursday. Donations will continue to be sent to Relay for Life, so the totals will change. I'll be there till they kick me out. I hope I see you!
Hair ~ Magika Ember
Head ~ Catwa Bento Lona
Skin ~ Belleza Callie
Body ~ Maitreya Lara 4.1
Outfit ~ EEc Nature's Beautiful Imperfection; Malhalmoni [Fitmesh includes two head dresses and pearl wings (not shown)] *
Wings ~ Faeline Fairy wings Saki Snow
Hair flowers ~ EEc Included with Malhalmoni dress *
•Flickr ~ https://www.flickr.com/gp/130514533@N04/1ZZu60
•Grid Syndicate ~ http://www.gridsyndicate.com
•SL Bloggers ~ http://slbloggers.pl
•SL Feed Plus ~ http://slfeedplus.blogspot.com
Fantasy Faire ~ https://fantasyfairesl.wordpress.com