We've all had the feeling that somehow we just didn't belong; that we'd been skipped over, left out, or ignored. Has it ever occurred to you that being on the outside is totally subjective? Maybe you're actually on the inside and it's the others who are missing out...
One side of a door is pretty much the same as the other.
What you do when you come to a closed door is the important thing.
When one door is closed, don't you know, another is open ~ Bob Marley
I'm wearing a casual outfit from
zOOm, with a beautifully textured sweater set and some butt-hugging sexy shorts. Available with 3 denim colors for the shorts and 5 colors for each the top and the sweater to mix and match as you wish. This EXCLUSIVE outfit is available @
Designer Showcase * till June 28.
[3 jeans, 5 sweater tones / Belleza, Maitreya, Slink) *
Jewelry ~ Avada Moira Necklace / Squishy Fluff Bento Triple Moon Rings
Nails ~ Mani Pedi Rococo [7 mixed colors / Maitreya, Omega, Slink]
Photos ~ After I had finished this blog, I became aware that this was a "human only" sim. Those two little words were slipped into the middle of the notecard with a VERY long description given to me by the sim owner when he invited me to use his sims for my photos.
That's on me. I skimmed when I should have read carefully. Judging from my photos, I felt the rejection even though I wasn't consciously aware of it at the time.
My avatar has never been "human" and neither are most of my friends in SL, who are a delightful mix of faeries, elves, demons, furries, Dinkies, Tinies and other critters including a few humans, all of whom get along very well because we accept each other as individuals instead of as "types".
Since I don't want to appear to promote prejudice even when it's based on something as ridiculous as speciesism, I'm not including a LM and I won't be going back to this sim.
SL is a microcosm of RL; acceptance needs to be unconditional in both worlds. Prejudice can be felt even when it's hidden.
... Aznana climbs down off her soapbox and goes back to hugging any and all who want it ...